2014 Archive

2014 Mid-Winter Singing Festival Workshop Schedule
Saturday, February 1. Lyric sheets provided.

One wristband, good for six workshops, is only $10 (all students - FREE!)

Tickets for the workshop "Singing in the African American Tradition" with Dr. Ysaye Barnwell are $40. This price includes a ticket to Saturday night sing. Workshop participants become the Saturday evening Festival Choir.

Wristbands will be on sale at the Hannah Center, beginning at 10:30 am, Saturday, February 1. (We will not sell out of wristbands; there is plenty of workshop room for everyone.)
FREE Children's Concert
Saturday, 11am, Banquet Rm
Presented by
Lake Effect

Sponsored by
The City of East Lansing
Room 211
Room 235
Banquet Room
{ click the songleaders name to view their website }

"Swing Era Favorites"
The Springtails
Julianna and Andy Wilson

"Fun with the Spoken Word"
Claudia Schmidt
and Ruelaine Stokes

BUILDING A VOCAL COMMUNITY®: Singing In The African American Tradition
with Dr. Ysaye Barnwell


Learn more about this special workshop at

$40, includes Saturday night Community Sing ticket. Workshop participants become the Saturday evening Festival Choir, directed by Dr. Barnwell. Tickets Available here or at the door.


"Songs of Peace, Justice
and Freedom"

Julie Beutel

"Singing with the Banjo"
(Banjo optional...come sing!)

Joel Mabus

(or 4:30)

"Classic Country Music Hits"
Drive South
Mary Sue Wilkinson
and Roger Brown

"Five Hundred Miles and More..."
Folk-Pop Favorites

The Catbird's Seat
Wanda Degen and Kay Rinker-O'Neil

Each year, we bring back some old favorites, and add the energy of some new folks.

2007 Festival Workshop

That's it! 7 workshops for one $10 wristband*.
All college students w/ID and kids 18 and under are free,
just stop by the desk and pick up a wristband.


*Separate ticket necessary for "Singing in the African American Tradition". Available July 1st.


Ten Pound Fiddle Concert Series
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